You might be worried that asking for help will get you in trouble, but it's the first step in keeping your family safe.
Is my behaviour hurting people?
These behaviours have a serious impact on your family. Ask for help to change if you recognise any of them.
for example, hitting, slapping or kicking.
for example, stopping them seeing their friends, have money or a job.
for example, calling them names.
for example, making them have sex when they don't want too.
for example, shouting.
for example saying you will hurt them or yourself, if they don't do what you want.
Your loved ones deserve to be safe.
If you want to change, we can help you.

Dealing with things differently.
Our courses help people to change their behaviour. On your course you'll meet other people who want to have healthier relationships. Most people find that this helps them but if you don't feel comfortable you can ask for one-to one sessions.
You'll be expected to come to one session a week for around three months and your family will be offered support too.
If you are in the Armed Forces or a veteran you can join our Forces course. This course has been created to help you to deal with the unique challenges that forces families face.
Get help to change.
If you've decided to get help, you've taken a huge step towards keeping your loved ones safe.
Choose one of the locations below, complete the form and we'll get back to you within five days.
If you are a Health and Social Care Professional please use the professional forms. You can find these underneath the self-referral forms.